
Cloud Computing: New Concept of Distributed Computing

Cloud Computing is a new concept of distributed computing which is a major revolution in the world of IT. Within the last few years, many emerging technology Buzzword. Gartner (www.gartner.com) a leading research institute, in its annual report, 2008, released "Gartner's Hype Cycle Special Report 2008". In the category of emerging technologies, Gartner stated that "Cloud Computing" will reach its maturity level of about 2 to 5 years to come. Based on these reports, this time, Cloud Computing is still regarded as a technology buzzworld still face the problem of market adoption.

In general, Cloud Computing can be described as follows:
• Computing and information-related technologies are no longer needed or owned by the company and stored in the company's own environment. This also means that any company can use business applications, without having to buy a license, buying servers and storage needs, purchase a database license, and buy equipment and data communications networks. Company is contacted and ordered the company applications cloud computing provider, signed a contract and register the user who will use the application, and then applications can already be used by users with access to the Internet via a browser that has been set.

Apart from the many problems of technology adoption in the marketplace and its mature yet these solutions, while providing cloud computing promises irresistible to many companies.

In the case of technology ownership, the company actually has two choices ie, have the technology or hiring technology. For companies, the cost of rent will cause what we call OPEX - Operational Expenditure, which is routine in nature and tend to stay. While the cost of buying will cause CapEx - Capital Expenditure, its only once, when bought, but is usually accompanied by other costs such as maintenance and capital depreciation costs. Many companies prefer OPEX costs than CapEx. Based on the cost concepts above, cloud computing is also very inclined to use OPEX cost model.

There are some things that is the reason.
1. Companies that adopt this technology does not need to buy or have the technology products, such as servers and storage.

2. Companies that buy the solution-based business applications cloud computing-based business does not need to buy a license.

3. The company also does not need to have an IT department that monitors servers, storage, networking, and business applications.

In general, cloud computing is the latest form of the combination of the three concepts of technology: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Cloud Computing also has characteristics of the three concepts of the technology: Grid Computing, Utility Computing, and Autonomic Computing. All IT services based cloud computing is usually a business application services online. It also illustrates well that this cloud computing service infrastructure that tend to have complex behind it.

More Info:
•Wikipedia – Cloud Computing
•Gruman,Galen(2008-04-07). “What cloud computing really means”.InfoWorld
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Map Reduce with Hadoop

Hadoop was introduced in late 2005 as part of the project Nutch (web search engine) and Lucene (text search library) by the Apache Software Foundation. In March 2006, Hadoop developed into a separate project. Hadoop own creation, inspired by techniques MapReduce and Google File System that is used by Google.
Hadoop is a software framework that enables distributed computing of large data. Hadoop is designed to be able to work reliably - to overcome the failure of computing elements and storage, efficient - capable of processing data in parallel, scalable - able to reach thousands of machines and petabytes of data.

MapReduce is a framework and programming model intended for large data processing in parallel. MapReduce consists of two main functions, the Map and Reduce.

• Map function takes the input data and turn it into a list of pairs key / value. In essence, aims to map the Map inputs into a set of key / value.

• Reduce combining function keys / values that have been grouped according to key. In essence, Reduce aimed at reducing key / value into a set of values.

Implementation of library programs, MapReduce operation can be divided into seven stages:

1. Solving the input file into M pieces (such as 64 MB). MapReduce library and distribute copies to all the search engines.

2. One of the copies of the program acts as a master, the rest is the worker who receives the task from the master. Determined number of M machines that served as a map and a reduce R machine.

3. Worker assigned the task of reading the pieces of the input file, sorting out the key / value and continue to function with the result map will be stored in memory.

4. Periodically, the results are stored in memory to local disk, R is divided into sections, and reported its location to the master. Next the master will continue storage location on the worker in charge to reduce.

5. Worker reduce using remote procedure call to read the map. The results of key / value and sorted according to keys that are combined in groups, it serves to facilitate the functions generally reduce the work based on the key.

6. Reduce worker then checked the results of key / value is already sorted, and in every unique key submit key and set the value to the function Reduce. The results of the Reduce function is stored into the final output file.

7. After the entire map and reduce task completion, the master returns the next process in the user program. In this case is the result of the call MapReduce.

Hadoop uses one JobTracker and many in the computing TaskTracker spread. Applications sent to the MapReduce task JobTracker, which then coordinates and leave the task to the Task Tracker. Hadoop perform optimization on a network using the computing processes closer to the data.

Develop a distributed storage Hadoop called Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). HDFS serves to split the file into blocks of data and pass it on every machine in the cluster.

Hadoop framework is created and run on the Java platform. Most of the programs and libraries built using Java, except for some components of non-Java. Making programs for Hadoop also use Application Programming Interface (API) that is provided.

Hadoop usage for implementation in the real world can be found at major online service providers such as Yahoo!, Facebook, Baidu, and America Online. Yahoo! using Hadoop for Webmap applications in indexing web sites, to reach 1 trillion links. As for facebook, also has been using Hadoop for data processing and storage.

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Alternative Substitute Materials Scrub

If we scrub supplies run out, try the following trick:

• Mix the sea salt with olive oil. Not only erode the dead skin cells but also moisturizes and smooths the skin.

• Use a pumice stone or loofah to smooth the rough areas like knees.

• Yogurt (without a sense) with the lactic acid content can remove dead skin cells and used as an excellent substitute for facial scrubs.

• If we are at the beach, try rubbing sand beach (which is fine granulated) on the skin.
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Lack Of Sleep And Obesity

If you want to keep the slimness of the body, try to have enough sleep time. According to Karine Spiegel, Neuroscientist from a public organization for biological, medical and public health research in France, the extra bed is one way to streamline the body. During these eating habits and lack of exercise is considered as the cause of excess weight. But surveys in several countries shows that lack of sleep has led to the increase in weight, both in children and adults.

At night, our bodies produce two hormones that regulate appetite, which is grehlin-hormone that slows the metabolic processes plus a stomach feels hungry, and leptin controls the function of fat reserves. Lack of sleep grehlin will increase production as much as 28% and reduces leptin as much as 18%. The point of this hormonal changes will make us hungry. The desire to eat would be increased to 24% or add 350-500 calories per day into our bodies.
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Honey For Hair Gleam

Honey is used for a lot of beauty, ranging from facial beauty, skin, to hair. If you want to have shiny hair, let alone follow a few recipes of honey hair mask is:

1: Mix two tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of olive oil, mix well. Rub into the hair, then comb to evenly and more pervasive. Cover hair with shower cap and let stand 15 minutes. After that wash hair thoroughly.

2: Squeeze one lime, mixed with water and a tablespoon of honey. After the hair is washed with shampoo, apply this mixture over damp hair. Massage head for several minutes, rinse with water and dry as usual.

3: Mix three tablespoons of honey with olive oil. Wet hair, then rub the mixture evenly in the hair and scalp. Cover hair with shower cap or warm towel, let stand for 20 minutes. After that wash hair with shampoo.
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Let's Prevent Hepatitis C

You may look healthy, but not necessarily completely healthy! Mild symptoms, ranging from feeling tired, fever, abdominal pain right up top. Lose weight for no apparent reason. Many things can make you catch, for it tattooed with non-sterile needle, for example. Also use personal equipment with the patient with hepatitis C, such as toothbrushes and nail clippers. Unfortunately, you just know this disease when your heart is no longer functioning. Therefore beware of this disease. Read More..

Tips Reduce Eye Swelling

Hate to see puffy eyes every morning? This trick reduces the problem:

• Besides cucumber slices, we can also use a tea bag pouch to compress the eye for about 5 minutes. It would be better if using chamomile tea.

• Rub the ice cube gently in the face and eyes about 2 minutes, that face looks much faster because the smaller pores and reduced swelling in the eye.

• Limit your intake of salt in food, because the salt imbalance can affect water levels in the body. Instead, drink water as much as possible to remove the toxins in the body naturally.

• Get used to sleep on time, and started sleeping with her back.
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Beware of Gum Disease

Never underestimate the gums hurt. Research carried out at Imperial College London, UK, showed that a person's risk of getting cancer increases if he often suffer from gum disease. According to the Lancet Oncology journal that contains the results of these studies, researchers have concluded on the relationship between the gums and cancer after doing research and analysis of 50 medical records of thousands of Americans since 1986.

In fact, the risk is not only experienced by many smokers who have problems with gums, but also those who do not smoke. They usually have additional risk of cancer by 14% compared to other people who never have problems with gums. Increased risk of cancer associated with the immune system. Gum disease suffered by a person who routinely indicate weak immune systems that make it vulnerable to cancer. Bacteria can also cause cancers of the gum tissue in the mouth or throat when swallowed.
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Cholesterol And Health

Cholesterol is in every body cell. Despite his image tends scary, cholesterol is not always bad. Some cholesterol is needed precisely to help the body's metabolic processes. Cholesterol is divided into three types. Tryglicerides role in fat storage. Cholesterol should be no more than 200 mg / dl for lipoprotein that increase the production of blood clot formation is not disrupted. The second type is a high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or good cholesterol. HDL contains more protein and contribute excess cholesterol from cells and artery walls and carry cholesterol back to liver for disposal. HDL is the normal limit of 45 mg / dl. The latter is often blamed as the bad cholesterol is low-density lipoproteins (LDL) because it contains very little protein. LDL should be less than 130 mg / dl. If so, can cause buildup of fat on artery walls that eventually will form plaques. If ignored the more thick and this plaque will be made more narrow the blood vessels so the heart will be increasingly hard to pump blood. Because clogged, blood vessels may rupture and that means we have a heart attack or stroke.

Therefore, keep the diet should be done. Many servings of vegetables and fruits so that fats from sticking to the blood vessels. Occasionally allowed to consume foods that contain cholesterol rather high, but portions should be the limit.

To lower cholesterol, keep the food if it is still less plus no exercise to burn excess calories. In addition to keeping food and exercise, there are several other steps that can be done to reduce and control cholesterol, among other things: stop smoking because smoking can lead to accumulation of fat on artery walls. Also check your blood pressure is regularly, the ideal is 120/80. High blood pressure indicates a blockage due to excess cholesterol.
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Tips Choosing Shoes and Sandals are Comfortable

If you want to move all day, do not forget to select a supportive footwear. Here it is the characteristics of shoes or sandals that will provide maximum comfort:

• Select model footwear that does not change the anatomy - not too narrow or create extra leg 'hard work' toes because heel more than 7 cm.

• The end footwear that can be folded up 30 degrees (not flat) makes it easy as he stepped foot - more flexible legs to bend to follow the motion.

• Wear shoes or sandals with grooved soles (arch) on the inner surface to provide excellent footing for the arch of the foot.

• Select a part in the shoes or soft smooth feet are not easy to blister.

• Footwear that feels light will not add weight when on the move.

• Additional 3-5 cm on the right footwear is still tolerable for the health of the foot.
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Skin Tightening With Milk

Cleopatra is said in the live, fresh milk is believed to reduce wrinkles on the face. This trick also still applied until now, proved almost every beauty salon treatments include using milk.

According to David Bank, MD, skin specialist from Mount Kisco New York, pioneered what was the Egyptian queen beneficial to the skin. For the proteins, fats, amino acids, and vitamin A in milk is able to relieve irritation of the skin.

Not only that, but milk also contains lactic acid which is used as the plural in the peeling formula. Lactic acid is a alpha hydroxyl acid that you can find behind the mask and peeling labels. This substance serves to assist the regeneration of the skin done. The structure of healthy skin tissue will make the skin look natural bright.

Way, take a piece of cloth used to clean the face. Then soak the cloth in cold fresh milk. After that, put on face for about 10 minutes. Rinse face with water until clean. Enjoy the freshness on your skin.
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Gymnastics Face To Up the Skin

Just like other body muscles, facial muscles also need to be trained in order to remain visible face tight and do not look haggard. Facial muscles can create the crust or the wrinkles on the face if the continuous recurrent expression (eg, frowning or smiling). Doing gymnastics for a 4-minute facial massage followed at your own face every morning and evening.

Way, raise your eyebrows as high as possible, then relax. Then, with the mouth closed, raise each cheek as if he were smiling from ear to ear. The last, open his mouth wide and stick out your tongue. Do some count for each movement.

To massage the face, do the movement slowly massage play in every part of the face, so a little warm. Gently, pinch the small pinched along the lines of the eyebrows grow to prevent the eyelid look down. Finally, use your fingers to gently pat your cheeks. Make sure your fingers and the face is clean when doing massage and facial gymnastics.
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Vitamin C for Skin Elasticity

Vitamin C in addition to provide additional energy for the body, it also is one of the vitamins that dissolve in water and another known as ascorbic acid. According to research experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in addition to helping the absorption of iron, as an antioxidant, increases faecal waste, and prevent bleeding gums were vitamin C could ward off cancer-causing toxins in the body.
Vitamin C many derived from fruits yellow or sour taste. For example, orange and strawberry. Also in vegetables such as cabbage and asparagus. In addition there are also many in the milk, fish, liver, and potatoes.
In general, the recommended consumption is 75-2000 mg per day, as needed. The recommended consumption depends on the lifestyle we do every day. For a smoker, take this vitamin more than people who do not smoke. Because of the toxicity of cigarettes can reduce levels of vitamin C in the blood as much as 25 percent ..
Based on research from Oregon Health & Science University, women who are pregnant should not consume more vitamin C than 5,000 mg per day. Consumption of excess vitamin C in pregnant women will result in the fetus dependence of vitamin C.
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5 Food Diet

Here are foods and beverages that you enjoy to be with your diet.

1. Green tea and white tea.
Able to facilitate the antioxidant content of blood circulation throughout the body. That way, your body will get the nutrients intake evenly even on a diet.

2. Apple.
A large apple contains 85 percent water, so that makes you feel full quickly.

3. Berries.
Smooth blood circulation are the benefits of consuming a lot of antioxidants contained in the berries. Smooth circulation increase efficiency in contracting muscle and burn fat.

4. Soybeans.
Protein in the soybeans could bring satiety longer so you'll avoid a lot of eating meals.

5. Yogurt.
Content of probiotic yogurt in the gas and removing powerful constipation problems. The result, your digestive system healthy and appear more flat stomach.
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Abdominal Fat and The Resulting Danger

In abdominal fat is more dangerous than fat in the thighs and hips. Abdominal fat associated with inflammation and risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome. A new study shows belly fat may increase inflammation and hardening of the arteries.

In the book The Flat Belly Diet is mentioned, will the entire abdominal fat with a 1600 calorie diet rich in monounsaturated fat (MUFA, monounsaturated fats). MUFA found in avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, chocolate soy. But experts warn, MUFA fats 9 calories / gram, more than carbohydrates and protein 4 calories / gram.

Hundreds of times every day just crunch in vain if the weight is not reduced. If the abdominal muscles are not covered fat, strengthens the stomach can make fast and lean. To be ideal weight, you should eat healthy patterned calorie-controlled diet plus 60 minutes of daily exercise such as brisk walking.

Waist size can signal health conditions, weight status, and hidden fats. If the waist is more than 101 cm (men) and 89 cm (women), mean fat deposits you've gone too far.

Secret shed belly fat is to lose weight through a balanced diet with caloric restriction and regular exercise.
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Prevent Ulcer With Eat Broccoli

Eat broccoli every day can reduce the risk of ulcer disease, gastric infection, even cancer. Several studies have revealed that the antioxidant content of broccoli has a large, so as to reduce the risk of cancer.

But the latest research and more specifically the ability to provide a picture of broccoli in a variety of pressing risks such as ulcer indigestion, gastric infections, and possibly stomach cancer.

In a study in Japan, the experts found that consuming 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for two months to protect the human body from bacteria-related stomach ulcer disease, gastric infections, and even stomach cancer. This is because broccoli contain sulforaphane which can trigger enzymes in the stomach, thus providing protection against radical compounds that can damage DNA and cause inflammation.

Sulforaphane in broccoli is also able to increase the production of phase II enzymes in the liver. These enzymes play a role binding carcinogens materials produced from compound prokarsinogen and out of cells. Keep in mind, the content of sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts fresh higher than the already boiled broccoli overcooked.

Choose broccoli dark green. Serve as a mixture for a salad or broccoli can be consumed in the form of juice.
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Exercise Stomach Muscles to Shrink Stomach

Would you like to shrink the stomach? There are some movements that can help you shrink the stomach if done regularly. This motion:

1. Crunch, raising the foot.
• Sleep on your back with your knees bent and hands behind the ears. Raise both legs a few inches from the floor, and resist the position.
• Perform crunch upward, then lower your upper body back to the floor, both feet remain up during the motion. Repeat 12 times.

2. Move the knee.
• Sleep on your back with legs raised upward directly above the hips, knees slightly bent.
• Both arms raised to the top pointing to the toes, head and neck are relaxed. Use the upper abdomen to raise the rib cage toward your hips, raise your shoulder blades off the floor and go for the direction your toes.
Hold for one second. Lower both shoulders to the floor and repeat this movement as much as 12-15 times.
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Preparation Steps SFA

The first step to do IT management of a department / division of IT are:
1. Select opportunity
2. Scope assignment
3. Plan assignment

In this step the IT management to:

• Treat the process of SFA as well as a project. With a clear scope, the project team identified according to their expertise, workmanship time specified, and defined success criteria, too.

• Project team members should not be too much, but at least consist of three people with technical knowledge, process, and project management.

The second step is to develop hypotheses problem. The hypothesis is built on the results of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and any problems / incidents that never happened. In this step was also carried out data collection activities and general information are:

• Results from RCA
• notes or documentation of the problem / incident
• Log of system and network
• Documentation of design and configuration of IT services related
• Documentation of service level related IT services.
• test results from the quality of IT services related

The third step is:
1. Analyze the data
2. Interview key personnel
3. Findings and conclusion
4. Recommendations

This step is the most complicated step of the overall process of SFA. There are several techniques that can be used in this step:
• Conduct brainstorming among project team members or involving other staff outside the team if necessary.

• Using the methods and analysis, Ishikawa diagrams Kepner-Tregoe

• Putting all the factors, besides the technical factors of human factors and related processes.

• Conducting analysis or compilation of the chronology of the time damage.

• Calculate the cost or consequences of failure are being analyzed.

The fourth step is:
1. Compile report
2. Perform validation

In this step, the report is based on the processes that had been developed previously, with the following details:
• Started all reports to the executive summary.
• Develop a chronology of events.
• Develop a report related to the things that can contribute or have contributed to the occurrence of the problem or incident that became topic of this SFA. Ishikawa diagram will be very useful in this section.
• Arrange the results of the analysis of costs and consequences of problems or incidents. Noting all the assumptions of the calculation.
• Develop recommendations with indication of the urgency and the associated costs.

SFA is an activity that many viewed as part of quality management. ITIL v3 himself was highlighted this activity, either as part of the process of Availability Management and Continual Service Improvements cycle.
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IT Service Failure Analysis

IT service failure analysis (SFA) is an important activity in the process of Availability Management (AVM) which is part of the processes of ITIL v2 Service Support. This process is then updated in a cycle in the ITIL Service Design v3.

The main purpose of the SFA activities include:

• To increase the level of availability - availability of IT services to generate a set of activities or service improvement recommendations.

• To identify and document the causes of IT service interruption to the service users.

• To assess the efficiency of IT Support Unit and work processes.

• To produce a report describing the findings and recommendations from one or more disorders.

There are several differences between the SFA with the methods of troubleshooting a problem (Root Cause Analysis - RCA) such as the use of the Ishikawa diagram or Kepner and Tregoe Analysis. Here are a few differences:

• Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
RCA is a part of the Problem Management process and concentrate on the identification problem of an incident that interfere with operating an IT service. RCA focuses only on technology components and a problem. After problems are identified, then this activity is complete.

• Service Failure Analysis (SFA)
SFA is part of the process Availabilty Management and concentrate on an IT services, where the analysis performed on more than one issue or incident that occurs. SFA approach is not only the technology component of a service, but also the internal processes of an IT organization that provides these services. So that SFA is more often considered as part of a quality improvement activities of IT services.

From the above definition can be concluded that the RCA is more of a tactical activities of daily operations conducted by a team of application / infrastructure support in dealing with an IT service problems. While SFA is the strategic nature of activities with the aim to improve the quality of IT services as a whole. SFA is an input to the IT management to take strategic steps in increasing the value of the IT organization.

SFA alone is generally known in two forms:

• To analyze several problems at once both to an IT service as well as several at once.

• To menganalsis a major character issues / critical, usually related to an IT service.

SFA is an administrative activity, because in general SFA also includes investment analysis will be directly related to the budget of a department / division IT. Unlike the RCA, which is more tactical, so it is more commonly categorized as operational activities.
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Asus Power Supply For Gamers

Asus, the leading manufacturer for the power supply, has released a new power supply. Products that carry the G series was carrying two versions, the 1000 W and 850 W, the user can achieve a high voltage performance is more stable easily. In addition to supply sophisticated innovation that can provide high power constant feedback, power supply output Asus G series can also be tailored to the needs of today's hardware is always changing to overlocking. With the 80 Plus certification specifications (power efficiency up to 86%), G series is able to provide stable power output of a high level, even when overlocking. The existence of the function of an active PFC will also help to improve voltage stability and provides environmentally friendly power with power factor (PF) up to 99% higher. Furthermore, trace the series G Intel ATX 12V version 2:31, and providing special 12V rails 5 to provide reliable output voltage to the fragile components. G Series supports both CPU Duo Core and Quad Core, as well as upper-class graphics card. Provides the possibility for future upgrades and card multi-GPU graphics. Overall, the G Series power supply is a versatile device that meets the ever-changing needs for gamers right now and in the future. Read More..

Working together with Intel, Kingston Launches New Memory

Kingston Technology Company, an independent manufacturer of memory products, launched its newest product in the form of a memory system supporting Intel's LGA 1156 Core i7 and Core I5 of Kingston Hyper X memory is 2133 MHz. product is claimed to work super fast on the low voltage 1.65 volts. XMP Kingston 4GB dual-channel 2133 MHz CL8 kit, is the choice for the ultra-enthusiasts who are ready to use Intel Core I5 platform in performance overclocking memory. From all the Kingston memory, especially in dual-channel kits that have high-performance, a combination of Kingston Hyper X and Core I5 Nehalem architecture provides a very good performance for the use of mainstream and enthusiast. Kingston sisitem also change part numbers for easy interpretation. All part numbers starting with Hyper X KHX abbreviations and now followed by the frequency module. Read More..

Asus Presents Computer In Keyboard

Asus is preparing labeled product range a new Eee will be presented in October 2009. Products named Asus Eee keyboard is a computer that has a shape like a keyboard for desktop computers. Began to be introduced in January 2009, the Eee keyboard began to circulate certain to start in October 2009. Eee Keyboard will circulate in North America and Europe in October 2009. Asus has not announced the price of the products amplified with the Atom processor is 1.6 GHz. other than the Atom processor, the Eee keyboard will have a 5-inch touch screen, 1 GB of memory, WiFi connectivity, USB port, and HDMI and choice Hardisk Sound State Drive 16 GB or 32 GB. Read More..

IP Net Info 1.19

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Down Tester 1.05

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BD Sizer Beta

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Gifted Motion 1.12

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Altsoft Xml 2PDF Workstation 2009 1.0

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Book DB 2.2.22

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Background Cycler 1.0.0

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CPU Speed Professional

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Diet Studio 1.0

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Explore Burn 1.0

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Fonts 1.0 Build 1.1273

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Free Video Cutter 1.1

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MP3 Check

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Folder Guard Pro-792

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Tune Up Utilities 2009

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Googling Faster

Google has grown into a search engine on the Internet's most used by users around the world. Tips and tricks below will help us to improve the accuracy of results generated by Google, and use keywords to get fewer results.

Learn more about the link or search service
Google's search results is known as a fairly well with a variety of search terms and variations to learn more about the basic search tricks, Google has set up a special web page, can be clicked on http:/www.google.com/help/cheatsheet.html.

Convert almost all sizes
Besides can be used as a calculator, Google also could be used to convert a measure. Suppose we want to know the grams to ounces, then simply type: ounces in a gram.

Refine results
Usually we can find what you're looking at first page of Google search, but if we seek more specific information from the search say that the information issued in the last 24 hours, then we can click the show options listed on the search page.

Browse the search results using the keyboard
Although the new version of the experiment but to the future we will be able to use keyboard shortcuts just to explore the search results. Could be seen on Google Experimental Search page.
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4 Alternative Health Avoiding Disturbance Due to Use of Mouse

Use the right mouse is not a long time and it can cause health problems known as mouse arm. To avoid this, consider the usage period of the mouse and your mouse. Mouse arm is actually a name for the syndrome repetitive stress injury (RSI), a chronic disorder may be triggered if there is a repetitive motion continued when using the mouse. Some tips to avoid such interference:

1. Select the mouse is symmetrical, which allows transfer of the right and left hand. With this mouse you can also reduce stress.

2. Use the navigation tools equipped tablet with a stylus (a pen normally used on your PDA or touch screen). The tool can avoid the usual circular motion carried to user mouse across the screen.

3. Use the trackball. The device is called an anti-mouse is a ball-movement driven by the user to direct the pointer on the screen. Unlike a mouse, trackball is stationary stationary alias.

4. In addition, the most effective way is to use the mouse roller. This device is similar to a quick keyboard tray with a special section in front of him. The front is equipped with a player in the middle, which can be accessed with either the right or left hand. There is also a button to right click, left click, double click and scroll.
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Tired Eyes Tips Avoid At Home Computers

Working too long in front of the computer, playing games, or browsing the health effects it brings to our eyes. In effect, the eyes become tired, a little difficult to focus the object of view and so forth. This is due to radiation monitors that are too long when we work. Here are some tips to avoid eyestrain, while in front of the monitor.

1. Organize your visibility with the monitor.
Keep your visibility to monitor properly. The recommended distance is about 20 to 40 inches from the eye.

2. Get rid of CRT, the LCD switch to.
CRT monitors, giving a worse effect than the LCD, in addition to the required energy is also greater. Try replacing CRT monitors with LCD. For those of you who are still using CRT monitors, there is a good idea to use anti-radiation filters.

3. Adjust monitor settings.
Some current monitor provides many pre-set display modes, to facilitate users to change their screen settings. Pre-set these settings to give brightnes different levels, to adjust the monitor usage conditions. Sometimes use it.

4. Use goggles anti - radiation.
Glasses anti - radiation useful for our eyes because of anti-radiation coating is automatically reduces the effects of pain in the eyes of radiation due to excessive light.

5. The easiest way to avoid eye fatigue due to radiation monitor is periodically mengistirahatkannya. Try to rest my eyes for about 5 minutes every hour. We can use the time to 5 minutes walk, see the sights, washed her face and so on. The important thing away from the monitor.
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Add-Ins Microsoft Office 2007 To Support Your Work

ADD-INS is a COM file that expands the function of a program. Add-in provides features that help you make Office easier to use. Microsoft provides a number of add-ins, but most of the add-ins are third-party products, and many are free too. Here are some list of add-ins are often used.

Access 2007 Developer Extensions and Runtime
These add-ins help developers to find solutions to the market, providing tools for packaging, deployment, licensing and distribution agreement.

AddInSpy used to develop add-ins for Office and for troubleshooting Office add-ins available.

Blueprint for Outlook add some features that need to diniliki by Outlook. You can print a single page or selected text, automate the printing, or print the attachment.

CrossEye will help you work with a long Word document. CrossEye Word displays the formatting code so that you can identify problems and solve them.

Is a search tool for Outlook (Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007). Add-in is used to search all Outlook folders, emails, attachments, tasks, notes, and contacts at the same time.

Add-in is required to use by those who create documents in science, technical, and mathematical. Add-in is used to create a mathematical symbol in Word.

Mail Merge Toolkit
Mail Merge Toolkit extend merging capabilities in Outlook, Word, and Publisher so that you can personalize the subject, attach files to email, send HTML or RTF email, and send email from the Publisher in GIF format.

Microsoft Outlook SMS
You can send SMS text messages via GSM mobile phone to the PC dihubunhgkan using Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2007. You can enter a message in Outlook message format and then send the message without third party software or subscriptions to mobile network services if you connect your phone to the PC.

Add-in has a number of features that will make your time more productive for coding and efficient.

Timing narration Tweaker
Timing narration Tweaker allows you to improve the narrative of the slide show or slide show guide.

Office Live
With Office Live, you can open and save documents in Office Live Workspace directly from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

OLAP PivotTable Extensions
PivotTable Excel 2007 has a feature capable of providing more than just that provided by Excel. These add-ins extend the OLAP PivotTable Extensions that include Analysis Services Cube.

Personal Folders Backup
Personal Folders Backup add-in is a backup PST file in a specific time interval.

PPTool Merge
Add-Ins combine Excel files (tab or comma-delimited) into a textbox, image, note, and PowerPoint hyperlinks. You can combine data, images, video, sound, and external text files.

Search Command
This add-in will display the tab that allows users to search for a command by using their own words. This add-in will help users of confused because I could not find the commands and features in Office 2007.

SimplyVBA Global Error Handler
This add-in VBA can help developers in dealing with the complex error. Add-in display module in which the error appeared.

Total Access Analyzer
Total Access Analyzer analyzes your Access database objects to find whether there is a problem, the forgotten objects, and others. He checks again and makes the data flow diagram. Use the add-in for documenting the code, find objects and variables are missing, and reveal hidden problems. Another function of the add-ins include seeking errors, suggest changes, and provides tips to improve performance.
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High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI)

Features an HDMI port which is currently provided by the most common electronic products is an alternative world of digital functions replace standard analog functions, such as coaxial cable, composite video, S-Video, component video, VGA and so on. HDMI port is used to connect all sources of audio / video digital form such as Blue-ray Disc Player, PC video game console, computer monitors and digital television.

HDMI supports various video formats on your PC or TV, including standard formats and high-definition video. In addition, HDMI also supports up to 8-channel digital audio, and connections Consumer Electronic Control (CEC) which can be found only with only 1 cable. CEC itself is used to control the HDMI devices to one another if necessary, so that if users want to operate several different devices, simply use the existing facilities on the remote control only. If you use a converter adapter from DVI to HDMI so you do not require signal conversion because HDMI has an electric current and the same signal as used by the port DVI (Digital Visual Interface). The use of HDMI will not reduce the quality of video and sound.

Every version of HDMI cables use the same type, also continue to use 19-pin connector the same. But every enhanced version, is always increased bandwidth capacity and includes several new features that are always included in the new version of HDMI.

HDMI 1.0 supports a maximum pixel clock rate of 165 MHz (4.95 Gb / s bandwidth), which is capable of displaying HDTV diresolusi display 1080p at 60 Hz refresh rate and also WUXGA 1920x1200 resolution at 60Hz refresh rate. For digital audio capability, HDMI 1.0 supports 8-channel LPCM (linear pulse code modulation) at sampling rates of up to 192 KHz and 24-bit resolution.

HDMI 1.1 but has the ability above also has additional features that support DVD Audio, while the HDMI 1.2 added features that support Super Audio CD.
HDMI 1.3 has a pixel clock rates up to 340 MHz (10.2 GB / s bandwidth) capable of displaying resolutions much higher as WQXGA with 2560x1600 maximum resolution while using a single digital link.

HDMI 1.3 also supports Deep Color feature and the xvYCC color space. On HDMI 1.3 also added support for 8-channel surround-sound streams encoded using compression algorithms TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. To note also that all versions of HDMI had supported features Dolby Digital and DTS-lossily compressed bit streams.

Explanation of differences in the letter A, B, C on the HDMI is as follows. A, B, C are different types of connectors. HDMI type A and C links using a single HDMI type B while using the dual links.
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Creating Knowledge Base for Operations Support

Knowledge base can be started by writing down each of the can. The information includes supported applications, where to find serial numbers and all types of tools, descriptions of how things should work, and the names of people who work on various platforms. Information is also not limited to technical issues, problem solutions, or how to. You also can write your name and phone number each contact.

Evolution Knowledge Base
Knowledge base can be created as a network folder that contains the text document that contains all the information. You can also use the database as the first place to look for information. Now it is a special application knowledge base but still have the same goal of sharing information. If your organization is large enough, then the knowledge base management should be handled by a special person for it. This will provide many advantages including the availability of time to process the writings of updates and relevant. The information contained in the knowledge base is a living document that must be developed for more advanced knowledge and technology developed rapidly.

Write All Things New
Write down all the information that is useful when you learn something new. Arrange all your thinking before you write it. Make sure that all your writing includes all the necessary steps for improvement.

Start Writing Template
Create a template for writing so that all relevant information can be obtained and listed in a consistent format and easy to follow.

Create Database Easier Wanted
Create a searchable database (searchable) and make sure the description field contains important information such as error messages, an application where it happened, and other useful enhancements that you meet.

Check Writing
Check writing prior to the posting. At the time of posting, writing must include the author's name and date of posting.

Check Is There Duplication
Check that the writing is not in a different form. Enter all the new information into it and appreciate the posting of the previous writers that contains information similar to the edit.

Record and Fix Errors
Perform proper checking procedures if they find errors before posting to the knowledge base.

Update Writing In Routine
Check for errors that have not been patched or repaired by the manufacturer and updates are not distorted because of the development.

Check Spelling
Make sure everything is written correctly. If you have an editor for the knowledge base, that person can do checks to ensure a consistent writing.

Send New Posts
Make sure the other team members know at the time to send the new text. You can create a page that will show both new writing or use the email notification system.

Create PDF version
Create PDF version of the writing for the end user and make sure there are no errors or conflicts in the use of materials and did not violate the security system.
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Skirts VS Shoes

Confessing love wearing skirts but often confused select shoes that fit as equivalent? Here's tip!

• Pencil Skirt
Impression of a flat at the end of a pencil skirt need shoes with high heels, at least 2 cm. mix pencil skirt made from rigid with a sling-back shoes, sandals or pumps to enhance your appearance.

• A-Line Skirt
All the classic-style shoe with a right to be equivalent A-line skirt, knee-length. As for A-line skirt along the calf, mix with low heels masculine model.

• Skirt length
High heels and thick (wedges) will give the impression of balance. If we have a high posture, try the Bohemian style with a long skirt plus a flat sandal.

• Mini Skirt
For the casual impression, choose flat shoes. To look different, try a shoe with fun motifs and colors. Want to look a little sexy? Wear shoes with the right not too high (2-3 cm). Avoid combining miniskirt with heels too high - except our feet like a foot model ... ... ...
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Options for Face Mask

Besides cleaning and moisturizing the face, a mask very important to maintain healthy skin. Here's the various basic materials - with a chemical - a face mask in accordance with our skin type:

• Dry skin: match the mask-based olive oil, avocados, extra vitamin E, and extra water (hyaluronic acid and glycerin). Use on all parts of the face and neck every day.

• Skin with fine lines: fit with retinol-based masks, glycolic acid or peptides. Use twice a week.

• Oily skin / acne: fit with a mask made from salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur are effective cleanses the pores and kill bacteria. Use once a week.

• Sensitive Skin: fit with sulfur-based mask, licorice-root, xanthine, aloe vera, cucumber, green tea is effective in reducing itching / irritation / red-red facial skin. Use once a week or two times.
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Long Lasting Makeup

Here it is easy to makeup tips we can last long.

1. When finished applying makeup, brush translucent powder as a finishing touch - effectively makes makeup look better and manyatu with natural-looking skin.

2. Do not just use the foundation after mengaplikasiikan facial moisturizer. Let the moisturizer soak into the skin for 3 minutes for makeup stick and durable.

3. Although the type of cream blush gives a fresh impression of natural, do not depend entirely. Thereafter should also brush a powder blush with the same color on top. The color is guaranteed not easily lost.

4. Before applying lipstick or lip gloss, apply a lip liner the same color. If lipstick erased, our lips still colored lip liner is a blessing.
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Creating Documentation

Documentation is part of the workflow cycle. Creating documentation is not an easy job. Here are some tips you can do to make your job documentation.

1. Include Image
Use the picture as a supplementary text to minimize the length and complexity of your document. User system love to see pictures, diagrams, tables, and lists in the form of bullet points for quick reference.

2. Give examples
Examples are the appropriate way for end users to learn new software to be more easily understood.

3. Do not make assumptions
At the time documentation, place yourself as a new user. Documentation must be written in such a way, step by step instructions and placed in the appendix, a separate chapter, so do not look messy.

4. Anticipate Problems
Document how to overcome the problem and give to the users and help desk. Document the events that sometimes occur during the use of the system. Documentation that you create must be to anticipate problems and provide detailed plans and instructions for system recovery.

5. Review Documentation
Take time to review your documentation. The first review takes the issue of "macro", such as structure, style; second review takes the issue of "micro" is more specific as to the issue of a sub-section.

6. Humanize Documentation
Make your documentation so that the reader will be more comfortable at the time to read it.

7. New Technology Exploration
Use of new technologies in manufacturing documentation to reduce costs and improve effectiveness.

8. Create Own Documentation If Allows
If you are making system, then make up your own documentation for your system because you know best about the system that you create.

9. Synchronization Documentation
You can reduce the time the documentation if you make the End User Documentation with the System Documentation. You can exchange information between them and reduce the missing information.

10. Follow the Standard Documentation Guide
Create and follow standard formatting guidelines. This will assist in ensuring that no important information missing that facilitate reading by the user.
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Troubleshooting methods for Problem Control activities as part of the Process Management (PRM)

Ishikawa Diagram
Ishikawa diagram or often called the cause-and-effect diagram or tree diagram or Fishbone diagrams, visually showing the various factors that affect the quality characteristic, outcome, or a problem. The main effect of the preparation of this diagram is the increased understanding of one's will a problem and sharpen the results of analysis carried out in the discussion. In an Ishikawa diagram is usually a problem is represented by "tree". The main factors of the problem is represented as a "branch" while the secondary factors as a "branch", and so on.

Kepner and Tregoe Analysis
Kepner and Tregoe stated that the analysis of a problem must be a systematic process to solve the problem and should optimally utilize the knowledge and experience of a troubleshooter. Systematically, the method is divided into 5 phases of activity:
1. Defining the problem.
2. Describe the problem based on the identity, location, time and size.
3. Structuring the possibilities solution.
4. Testing the most probable solution.
5. Verify the actual cause.

Defining the problem
Problems should be defined by describing what happened deviation of service level agreed upon with the user.

Describe the problem based on the identity, location, time, and size
Describe the problem using the following aspects:
• Identity: Which part functioning and not, and what's the problem?
• Location: where the occurrence of the problem and the problem does not occur?
• When: when the problem? How often does this problem occur?
• Size: how big this problem occur?

Structuring the possibilities solution
The output of this activity is a list of possible root of the problem.

Testing the most probable solution
Every possible root of the problem must be analyzed and tested the solution accuracy.

Verify the actual cause
The most likely solution to be verified before it is implemented to overcome the problem.
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Problem Management IT Services

Management problems or better known as Problem Management (PRM) is a process that is identified as part of the activities in the Service Support ITIL v2. This process is then updated in a cycle in Service Operation ITIL v3. Management of IT service problems is an important process in maintaining the quality and perfection of the performance of an IT service.

Problem Management
Referring to the ITIL v3 books, the definition of PRM process can be summed up several points:
1. PRM manages the problem of the first appeared to find permanent solutions.
2. PRM can ensure that similar problems will not happen again in the future if run properly.
3. PRM can prevent the occurrence of incidents or disturbances in the course of many IT services that can then minimize the negative impact of the incident.
As a process, PRM has several key activities that become specialties, namely:
1. Problem Control
2. Error Control
3. Proactive Prevention of Problems

Problem Control
Problem Control is a set of activities in the PRM process that focuses on handling problems effectively (a problem addressed by the appropriate resources and capabilities) and efficient (the problem will be handled with good troubleshooting method). Several methods are commonly used:
1. Kepner and Tregoe analysis.
2. Ishikawa Diagram.
The main objective of the Problem Control activities is to identify quickly the root problem of an incident / disruption and provide IT services to the agents enter the Service Desk will be there whether or workaround for any problem.

Error Control
Error Control is a set of activities in the PRM process to ensure that focuses known errors have been eliminated completely so that IT services can walk normally again, through a mechanism of change. Where the mechanism is regulated by other processes in ITIL, the process of Change Management (CHM). In the concept of ITIL, which is a known error is the cause of the problem / damage a known problem. Known to the point of this error, the practical activities of the Control Problem was over who would then proceed with the activity of Error Control.

Proactive Prevention of Problems
PRM processes include reactive and proactive process for handling the problem. Activities that tend to be reactive is the activity of the Control Problem and Error Control, in the sense that both of these activities will only run if there is an incident / disruption in IT services.
PRM is a set of proactive activities that focus on identifying problems and known errors before handling an incident / disruption in IT services. But to be noted is that not all incidents / disturbances giving signs of damage in advance.
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Fotosizer 1.19

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FotoSketcher 1.71

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IrfanView 4.23

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Connection Keeper 8.0

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TCP Optimizer

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TCP Speed 1.0

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XP TCP-IP Repair 2.0

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Esthetic Dentistry

There are many actions to improve the aesthetics of your teeth so that the more brilliant smile. You can choose one of them.

• Bleaching
The doctor will coat your teeth with whitening gel, then the teeth will be
illuminated to activate the crystals contained in the whitening gel and increase
the effectiveness of bleaching agents in it.

• Composite Resin Bonding
Used to overcome the problem of tooth decay or corrected form imperfect teeth.

• Porcelain Veneer
Over the damaged teeth with porcelain material, so that the surface becomes .
smoother gear.

• Cosmetic Contouring
Contour correction of teeth in the teeth with a less compact form, or teeth that
sink out.

• Crown Restoration
Treatment with installing crown to overcome the problem of teeth that have been
erratic due to caries or other disturbance.

• Implant
Installation of implants to replace useless teeth that have been revoked. If the
gums are not fitted with empty implants, as a result the distance between the
teeth will be strained and prone to cause dental problems.

• Dental Wire
Installation of braces can be done in the case of broken teeth, irregular
structure, teeth forward, the more advanced teeth, or teeth that were located far
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Alternative Anti-Pollution Plants

When you are confused to select the type of plants in the house, you can Sanseviera make choices. Sanseviera that this pointy leaves do not just have a charm, but also have the ability to absorb pollution and reduce odor. Sanseviera can grow with little water and sunlight. Being able to survive in the country with four seasons, the leaves can grow Sanseviera with different colors, according to the temperature of the location. Read More..

Symptoms Shopaholic

Based on a study in England, was 2-10% of adults tend to love to shop. This tendency increased nine times greater in women than in men. Here are the signs that you have a tendency to be a shopaholic:

• You are very excited about talking about plans to go shopping. If you can not make it happen in one week, you'll be disappointed.

• Mood changes frequently. You will be very glad when shopping, but your emotions can be turned somber when the money has depleted or exhausted.

• You see and make the wedding or party as a reason to buy new clothes.

• your closet full of items used only once or even not been touched since the purchase, even if you do want to buy things, without knowing when to use it.

• You have a lot of debt because you can not support this shopping habits.

So, if you include shopaholic?
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Mars vs Venus

In the world of Mars, the identity of a man defined by his ability. Men will pride themselves as successfully solve a problem or complete a job. When achievement increases, he will advertise his ability in various ways. Unlike the case with Venus, the ability is important for women, but a sense of caring, integrity and values are more personal occupy a special place. Read More..

Work Desk Set

• Put on the table only documents that are used for your job.

• When finished, save the documents. Do not let piled on the table.

• If there is a paper-pile on the table, immediately decide to use, stored for use
at any time, or throw it away

• Provide trash on the side of the table. Enter any unneeded items into the trash.

• Provide a special time to tidy up the file.
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Dress Code

Clothing color choices can affect the work ourselves, ranging from mood and self-confidence, to how people view us.

• Orange : can stimulate the brain to try new ideas and new way of working.

• Red : makes you stand out and believe in yourself. Use this color clothing if
you want to influence others.

• Blue : is ideal if you want to calm down and focus on

• Yellow : friendly and communicative. Wear this color if you want to open
conversation and build a dialogue.

• Turquois: lure color, make other people think positively about you.

• Pink : This color is useful for you in the field of professional services.
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Career Booster Table

If you want a career rise, set your desk like this:
• Put your table against the wall, and when sitting you can see the clear windows
and doors.

• Give a touch of fresh flowers, because it will make you excited and clean air.

• Place the phone on the right to contact the party you can be more helpful.

• Put the reference books on the left. Make this area of knowledge areas.

• Fill the wall behind your computer with objects that reminded the dreams and goals
of work, such as photographs, postcards and newspaper clippings.

• Do not fill your table with the family photos because your mind will be divided.
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DirectX is the API (Application Programming Interface) function allows applications, such as games, to "talk" with your hardware. DirectX itself consisted of several versions of each of which has different versions.

DirectX act as translator between the hardware and software. Instead of programmers to create special programs for each of the hardware, the programmers create programs for the operating system. Later, the driver will translate what is desired by the program, and will access the hardware as desired. The advantage of this technique is the programmer does not need to know the specification of all the existing hardware. API will convert to what the programmer wants to be a command that is compatible with the hardware used.

DirectX is the most popular API for the video card, and you are encouraged to use the latest version of DirectX. Sure you want to know the difference between the version of DirectX is and why it is always advisable to use the DirectX version of the most recent. In general, the latest version allows the system (Windows) to recognize the latest features in the video card. Features so that it can be used, and the results improve 3D performance and image quality.

Since its emergence in the year 256 GeForce 1999, GPU began to take part in the calculation of 3D objects, which was conducted by the processor. Section was calculated transformation and lightning (T & L). Therefore, DirectX 7 was launched to recognize this feature and help the process.

Switch to the next version, DirectX 8.0 introduces what is called the Pixel Shader and Vertex Shader. 3D objects created using hundreds or even thousands of polygon, such as triangle and square shapes. In the polygon will be given the surface or color to form 3D objects.

With Vertex Shader, 3D applications can change the characteristics of each vertex of each polygon. While Pixel Shader provides 3D applications the ability to change the characteristics of each pixel of each polygon. Before DirectX 8.0, an ability that can be done only as change the character of the entire polygon.
In DirectX 9.0 introduced Shader 2.0. This shader capabilities further improved by increasing the number of instructions. Likewise, the introduction of DirectX 9.0c shader 3.0.

In that introduces DirectX 10 Shader 4.0 bring significant changes to the GPU architecture. Until the GPU which only supports DirectX 9.0c, chip has a unit pixel and vertex processing different. So, if the unit was working full-pixel and vertex is idle, then the pixel shader instructions that there should be queued.

On the GPU which already supports DirectX 10, the processing unit was made into a universal that can be used for pixel or vertex processing. This is called the Unified Shader Architecture. DirectX is also introduced in more features that allow the 3D calculations of the processor to GPU.

In the latest version of DirectX or DirectX 11, included a variety of other major features. Examples of support GPGPU or General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units. This feature will allow the GPU to perform general computing is usually handled by the processor. In addition there are also features that will improve game performance in exploiting multicore processors.
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AMD Mobile APU Supports DirectX 11

AMD plans to release a technology APU (Accelerated Processing Units) which is one of their advanced technology, in the year 2011. APU will be supporting Microsoft technology API (Application Programming Inteface) DirectX 11.
According to roadmap details AMD platform, in the year 2009, 2010 and 2011 AMD will release a platform Tigris, Danube and Sabine. Of these three platforms AMD, Sabine will be the first platform with the APU technology codenamed "Llano". Llano APU will have a processing unit with four cores, an integrated processing unit and also support DDR3 memory and 1600 MHz will be made using 32nm processing technology. Meanwhile, Sabine platform will support Microsoft DirectX11 technology and UVD 3.
Danube platform will be released first in 2010. Danube will use the RS880M chipset and SB8xxM + 4 core processor. Read More..

Acer AspireRevo

Acer released a small package first desktop computer-based technology Ion nVidia. Graphics technology base and system controller is nVidia Ion Acer and Nvidia debut for cheap desktop computer market with a performance above average.
Ion nVidia graphics system used in the Acer AspireRevo series is 9400-M and the system is capable of running graphics applications and content that previously was not possible on Intel's graphics hardware. Graphic Systems 9400-M has a built-in decoding that allows users to play video with 1080p resolution at full frame rate, even can also play some modern games such as Call Of Duty or Race Driver: Grid. In addition to using nVidia Ion technology, Acer AspireRevo also use an Intel Atom 1.6 GHz. Read More..

Microsoft and Yahoo Partnership

Microsoft and Yahoo re-establish cooperation. They plan to form pacts online advertising. Such cooperation will make Microsoft can sell ads through search engine Yahoo! Similarly, Yahoo! will sell Microsoft products.
Cooperation of Microsoft and Yahoo! is expected to reduce the dominance of Google that has penetrated into various sectors. Read More..

Bluetooth 3.0

Bluetooth SIG finally issued a new format for the Bluetooth specification 3.0. This new format has the same bandwidth speed WiFi or several times faster than Bluetooth 2.0.
Bluetooth 3.0 will also have the ability to build a WiFi connection is one-one and has a high transfer speed using 802.11 technology. With high transfer speeds generated, expected large data such as songs or video can be transferred in a short time.
Bluetooth 3.0 + High Speed works with two modules using the standard Bluetooth for transferring data. If the Bluetooth 3.0 standard has been established, many producers will have digital devices that will include Bluetooth 3.0 built-in. Read More..


Nvidia Tegra: Graphics and Video Applications High Level

Nvidia Tegra mobile chip, is applied to the digital music device iPod competitor, Microsoft Zune HD, also for mobile Internet devices such as Mobinova elan. There Tegra system on a chip, which is bundled into one for the ability to play graphics applications and high-level video. Tegra chip promises Adobe Flash technology, experience the best gaming console quality, and high-definition video. In addition the use of Nvidia also promises five times more energy efficient than any competitors. Nvidia also claims that Tegra is much better than Qualcomm's Snapdragon chip and Freescale's technology because Nvidia has made a direct partnership with Adobe to use the integrated GPU with Flash. Nvidia is also very confident that Tegra is much more powerful than the iPhone 3GS because has a higher capacity for graphics and gaming thing. Read More..

Google Chrome OS

Google, a company which produces many interesting applications, and free, will soon release a new application form that the operating system is expected to compete with Microsoft. Google Chrome OS will be released in the second quarter of 2010 is an operating system produced by Google with a market targeting netbook users. Google Chrome OS will run on x86 and ARM processors, so the netbook with Intel Atom processor, smartbook with Nvidia Tegra chips, or Qualcomm's Snapdragon platform to the notebook with AMD Neo can use Google Chrome OS. Google Chrome OS can also run for computers with low energy as a netbook to desktop computers with abundant energy. Google Chrome OS technology will also be carrying the HTML 5, so users can work through the browser, although not connected to the Internet. This operating system is expected to disturb the comfort of Microsoft, Google Chrome for OS will be made with a label carrying the revolutionary open source. Read More..
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