
Alternative Substitute Materials Scrub

If we scrub supplies run out, try the following trick:

• Mix the sea salt with olive oil. Not only erode the dead skin cells but also moisturizes and smooths the skin.

• Use a pumice stone or loofah to smooth the rough areas like knees.

• Yogurt (without a sense) with the lactic acid content can remove dead skin cells and used as an excellent substitute for facial scrubs.

• If we are at the beach, try rubbing sand beach (which is fine granulated) on the skin.
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Lack Of Sleep And Obesity

If you want to keep the slimness of the body, try to have enough sleep time. According to Karine Spiegel, Neuroscientist from a public organization for biological, medical and public health research in France, the extra bed is one way to streamline the body. During these eating habits and lack of exercise is considered as the cause of excess weight. But surveys in several countries shows that lack of sleep has led to the increase in weight, both in children and adults.

At night, our bodies produce two hormones that regulate appetite, which is grehlin-hormone that slows the metabolic processes plus a stomach feels hungry, and leptin controls the function of fat reserves. Lack of sleep grehlin will increase production as much as 28% and reduces leptin as much as 18%. The point of this hormonal changes will make us hungry. The desire to eat would be increased to 24% or add 350-500 calories per day into our bodies.
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Honey For Hair Gleam

Honey is used for a lot of beauty, ranging from facial beauty, skin, to hair. If you want to have shiny hair, let alone follow a few recipes of honey hair mask is:

1: Mix two tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of olive oil, mix well. Rub into the hair, then comb to evenly and more pervasive. Cover hair with shower cap and let stand 15 minutes. After that wash hair thoroughly.

2: Squeeze one lime, mixed with water and a tablespoon of honey. After the hair is washed with shampoo, apply this mixture over damp hair. Massage head for several minutes, rinse with water and dry as usual.

3: Mix three tablespoons of honey with olive oil. Wet hair, then rub the mixture evenly in the hair and scalp. Cover hair with shower cap or warm towel, let stand for 20 minutes. After that wash hair with shampoo.
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Let's Prevent Hepatitis C

You may look healthy, but not necessarily completely healthy! Mild symptoms, ranging from feeling tired, fever, abdominal pain right up top. Lose weight for no apparent reason. Many things can make you catch, for it tattooed with non-sterile needle, for example. Also use personal equipment with the patient with hepatitis C, such as toothbrushes and nail clippers. Unfortunately, you just know this disease when your heart is no longer functioning. Therefore beware of this disease. Read More..

Tips Reduce Eye Swelling

Hate to see puffy eyes every morning? This trick reduces the problem:

• Besides cucumber slices, we can also use a tea bag pouch to compress the eye for about 5 minutes. It would be better if using chamomile tea.

• Rub the ice cube gently in the face and eyes about 2 minutes, that face looks much faster because the smaller pores and reduced swelling in the eye.

• Limit your intake of salt in food, because the salt imbalance can affect water levels in the body. Instead, drink water as much as possible to remove the toxins in the body naturally.

• Get used to sleep on time, and started sleeping with her back.
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Beware of Gum Disease

Never underestimate the gums hurt. Research carried out at Imperial College London, UK, showed that a person's risk of getting cancer increases if he often suffer from gum disease. According to the Lancet Oncology journal that contains the results of these studies, researchers have concluded on the relationship between the gums and cancer after doing research and analysis of 50 medical records of thousands of Americans since 1986.

In fact, the risk is not only experienced by many smokers who have problems with gums, but also those who do not smoke. They usually have additional risk of cancer by 14% compared to other people who never have problems with gums. Increased risk of cancer associated with the immune system. Gum disease suffered by a person who routinely indicate weak immune systems that make it vulnerable to cancer. Bacteria can also cause cancers of the gum tissue in the mouth or throat when swallowed.
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Cholesterol And Health

Cholesterol is in every body cell. Despite his image tends scary, cholesterol is not always bad. Some cholesterol is needed precisely to help the body's metabolic processes. Cholesterol is divided into three types. Tryglicerides role in fat storage. Cholesterol should be no more than 200 mg / dl for lipoprotein that increase the production of blood clot formation is not disrupted. The second type is a high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or good cholesterol. HDL contains more protein and contribute excess cholesterol from cells and artery walls and carry cholesterol back to liver for disposal. HDL is the normal limit of 45 mg / dl. The latter is often blamed as the bad cholesterol is low-density lipoproteins (LDL) because it contains very little protein. LDL should be less than 130 mg / dl. If so, can cause buildup of fat on artery walls that eventually will form plaques. If ignored the more thick and this plaque will be made more narrow the blood vessels so the heart will be increasingly hard to pump blood. Because clogged, blood vessels may rupture and that means we have a heart attack or stroke.

Therefore, keep the diet should be done. Many servings of vegetables and fruits so that fats from sticking to the blood vessels. Occasionally allowed to consume foods that contain cholesterol rather high, but portions should be the limit.

To lower cholesterol, keep the food if it is still less plus no exercise to burn excess calories. In addition to keeping food and exercise, there are several other steps that can be done to reduce and control cholesterol, among other things: stop smoking because smoking can lead to accumulation of fat on artery walls. Also check your blood pressure is regularly, the ideal is 120/80. High blood pressure indicates a blockage due to excess cholesterol.
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Tips Choosing Shoes and Sandals are Comfortable

If you want to move all day, do not forget to select a supportive footwear. Here it is the characteristics of shoes or sandals that will provide maximum comfort:

• Select model footwear that does not change the anatomy - not too narrow or create extra leg 'hard work' toes because heel more than 7 cm.

• The end footwear that can be folded up 30 degrees (not flat) makes it easy as he stepped foot - more flexible legs to bend to follow the motion.

• Wear shoes or sandals with grooved soles (arch) on the inner surface to provide excellent footing for the arch of the foot.

• Select a part in the shoes or soft smooth feet are not easy to blister.

• Footwear that feels light will not add weight when on the move.

• Additional 3-5 cm on the right footwear is still tolerable for the health of the foot.
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Skin Tightening With Milk

Cleopatra is said in the live, fresh milk is believed to reduce wrinkles on the face. This trick also still applied until now, proved almost every beauty salon treatments include using milk.

According to David Bank, MD, skin specialist from Mount Kisco New York, pioneered what was the Egyptian queen beneficial to the skin. For the proteins, fats, amino acids, and vitamin A in milk is able to relieve irritation of the skin.

Not only that, but milk also contains lactic acid which is used as the plural in the peeling formula. Lactic acid is a alpha hydroxyl acid that you can find behind the mask and peeling labels. This substance serves to assist the regeneration of the skin done. The structure of healthy skin tissue will make the skin look natural bright.

Way, take a piece of cloth used to clean the face. Then soak the cloth in cold fresh milk. After that, put on face for about 10 minutes. Rinse face with water until clean. Enjoy the freshness on your skin.
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Gymnastics Face To Up the Skin

Just like other body muscles, facial muscles also need to be trained in order to remain visible face tight and do not look haggard. Facial muscles can create the crust or the wrinkles on the face if the continuous recurrent expression (eg, frowning or smiling). Doing gymnastics for a 4-minute facial massage followed at your own face every morning and evening.

Way, raise your eyebrows as high as possible, then relax. Then, with the mouth closed, raise each cheek as if he were smiling from ear to ear. The last, open his mouth wide and stick out your tongue. Do some count for each movement.

To massage the face, do the movement slowly massage play in every part of the face, so a little warm. Gently, pinch the small pinched along the lines of the eyebrows grow to prevent the eyelid look down. Finally, use your fingers to gently pat your cheeks. Make sure your fingers and the face is clean when doing massage and facial gymnastics.
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Vitamin C for Skin Elasticity

Vitamin C in addition to provide additional energy for the body, it also is one of the vitamins that dissolve in water and another known as ascorbic acid. According to research experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in addition to helping the absorption of iron, as an antioxidant, increases faecal waste, and prevent bleeding gums were vitamin C could ward off cancer-causing toxins in the body.
Vitamin C many derived from fruits yellow or sour taste. For example, orange and strawberry. Also in vegetables such as cabbage and asparagus. In addition there are also many in the milk, fish, liver, and potatoes.
In general, the recommended consumption is 75-2000 mg per day, as needed. The recommended consumption depends on the lifestyle we do every day. For a smoker, take this vitamin more than people who do not smoke. Because of the toxicity of cigarettes can reduce levels of vitamin C in the blood as much as 25 percent ..
Based on research from Oregon Health & Science University, women who are pregnant should not consume more vitamin C than 5,000 mg per day. Consumption of excess vitamin C in pregnant women will result in the fetus dependence of vitamin C.
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5 Food Diet

Here are foods and beverages that you enjoy to be with your diet.

1. Green tea and white tea.
Able to facilitate the antioxidant content of blood circulation throughout the body. That way, your body will get the nutrients intake evenly even on a diet.

2. Apple.
A large apple contains 85 percent water, so that makes you feel full quickly.

3. Berries.
Smooth blood circulation are the benefits of consuming a lot of antioxidants contained in the berries. Smooth circulation increase efficiency in contracting muscle and burn fat.

4. Soybeans.
Protein in the soybeans could bring satiety longer so you'll avoid a lot of eating meals.

5. Yogurt.
Content of probiotic yogurt in the gas and removing powerful constipation problems. The result, your digestive system healthy and appear more flat stomach.
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Abdominal Fat and The Resulting Danger

In abdominal fat is more dangerous than fat in the thighs and hips. Abdominal fat associated with inflammation and risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome. A new study shows belly fat may increase inflammation and hardening of the arteries.

In the book The Flat Belly Diet is mentioned, will the entire abdominal fat with a 1600 calorie diet rich in monounsaturated fat (MUFA, monounsaturated fats). MUFA found in avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, chocolate soy. But experts warn, MUFA fats 9 calories / gram, more than carbohydrates and protein 4 calories / gram.

Hundreds of times every day just crunch in vain if the weight is not reduced. If the abdominal muscles are not covered fat, strengthens the stomach can make fast and lean. To be ideal weight, you should eat healthy patterned calorie-controlled diet plus 60 minutes of daily exercise such as brisk walking.

Waist size can signal health conditions, weight status, and hidden fats. If the waist is more than 101 cm (men) and 89 cm (women), mean fat deposits you've gone too far.

Secret shed belly fat is to lose weight through a balanced diet with caloric restriction and regular exercise.
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Prevent Ulcer With Eat Broccoli

Eat broccoli every day can reduce the risk of ulcer disease, gastric infection, even cancer. Several studies have revealed that the antioxidant content of broccoli has a large, so as to reduce the risk of cancer.

But the latest research and more specifically the ability to provide a picture of broccoli in a variety of pressing risks such as ulcer indigestion, gastric infections, and possibly stomach cancer.

In a study in Japan, the experts found that consuming 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for two months to protect the human body from bacteria-related stomach ulcer disease, gastric infections, and even stomach cancer. This is because broccoli contain sulforaphane which can trigger enzymes in the stomach, thus providing protection against radical compounds that can damage DNA and cause inflammation.

Sulforaphane in broccoli is also able to increase the production of phase II enzymes in the liver. These enzymes play a role binding carcinogens materials produced from compound prokarsinogen and out of cells. Keep in mind, the content of sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts fresh higher than the already boiled broccoli overcooked.

Choose broccoli dark green. Serve as a mixture for a salad or broccoli can be consumed in the form of juice.
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Exercise Stomach Muscles to Shrink Stomach

Would you like to shrink the stomach? There are some movements that can help you shrink the stomach if done regularly. This motion:

1. Crunch, raising the foot.
• Sleep on your back with your knees bent and hands behind the ears. Raise both legs a few inches from the floor, and resist the position.
• Perform crunch upward, then lower your upper body back to the floor, both feet remain up during the motion. Repeat 12 times.

2. Move the knee.
• Sleep on your back with legs raised upward directly above the hips, knees slightly bent.
• Both arms raised to the top pointing to the toes, head and neck are relaxed. Use the upper abdomen to raise the rib cage toward your hips, raise your shoulder blades off the floor and go for the direction your toes.
Hold for one second. Lower both shoulders to the floor and repeat this movement as much as 12-15 times.
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