
Creating Knowledge Base for Operations Support

Knowledge base can be started by writing down each of the can. The information includes supported applications, where to find serial numbers and all types of tools, descriptions of how things should work, and the names of people who work on various platforms. Information is also not limited to technical issues, problem solutions, or how to. You also can write your name and phone number each contact.

Evolution Knowledge Base
Knowledge base can be created as a network folder that contains the text document that contains all the information. You can also use the database as the first place to look for information. Now it is a special application knowledge base but still have the same goal of sharing information. If your organization is large enough, then the knowledge base management should be handled by a special person for it. This will provide many advantages including the availability of time to process the writings of updates and relevant. The information contained in the knowledge base is a living document that must be developed for more advanced knowledge and technology developed rapidly.

Write All Things New
Write down all the information that is useful when you learn something new. Arrange all your thinking before you write it. Make sure that all your writing includes all the necessary steps for improvement.

Start Writing Template
Create a template for writing so that all relevant information can be obtained and listed in a consistent format and easy to follow.

Create Database Easier Wanted
Create a searchable database (searchable) and make sure the description field contains important information such as error messages, an application where it happened, and other useful enhancements that you meet.

Check Writing
Check writing prior to the posting. At the time of posting, writing must include the author's name and date of posting.

Check Is There Duplication
Check that the writing is not in a different form. Enter all the new information into it and appreciate the posting of the previous writers that contains information similar to the edit.

Record and Fix Errors
Perform proper checking procedures if they find errors before posting to the knowledge base.

Update Writing In Routine
Check for errors that have not been patched or repaired by the manufacturer and updates are not distorted because of the development.

Check Spelling
Make sure everything is written correctly. If you have an editor for the knowledge base, that person can do checks to ensure a consistent writing.

Send New Posts
Make sure the other team members know at the time to send the new text. You can create a page that will show both new writing or use the email notification system.

Create PDF version
Create PDF version of the writing for the end user and make sure there are no errors or conflicts in the use of materials and did not violate the security system.

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