
Exercise Stomach Muscles to Shrink Stomach

Would you like to shrink the stomach? There are some movements that can help you shrink the stomach if done regularly. This motion:

1. Crunch, raising the foot.
• Sleep on your back with your knees bent and hands behind the ears. Raise both legs a few inches from the floor, and resist the position.
• Perform crunch upward, then lower your upper body back to the floor, both feet remain up during the motion. Repeat 12 times.

2. Move the knee.
• Sleep on your back with legs raised upward directly above the hips, knees slightly bent.
• Both arms raised to the top pointing to the toes, head and neck are relaxed. Use the upper abdomen to raise the rib cage toward your hips, raise your shoulder blades off the floor and go for the direction your toes.
Hold for one second. Lower both shoulders to the floor and repeat this movement as much as 12-15 times.

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