
Diet Tip: Stop Snacking

Why not go lose weight while eating out is reduced? From now dared to say no to a snack.

There are several things that can help you to reduce snacking habits:

1. Do not forget to eat
Comply with your eating schedule three times a day, just as important as taking medication rules. Eating a regular schedule will prevent you from excessive hunger. In the hunger condition, your blood sugar is lower so that the brain is not able to maintain levels of serotonin in the blood. This will make your emotions become unstable resulting in you will find an outlet by way of snacking.

2. Drinking water
If you've eaten, but my stomach still reads, immediately drink a glass of cold water. Not only refreshing throat, your mind will come feel fresh. Water is also able to bring feeling of fullness that can help reduce the desire for snacking. Add lemon juice, sliced strawberries or mint leaves, to add flavor your water.

3. Suspend
In this one case, delay is not a bad thing. If you desire appear not to respond to snacking with action. Suspend do anything for about five minutes. While killing time, stretch your arms above your head, take a deep breath and clear your mind. Usually, the desire to chew will gradually disappear as soon as you feel relaxed.

4. Toothbrush
Membersikan teeth and mint sensation in the mouth can help you drive snacking desires. If you do not have time to brush your teeth, you can chew gum sugar-free mint. That way you still can not chew anything without guilt haunted.

5. Adhere to shopping list
Another trigger snacking desire is your food cupboards. Watching a wide range of snacks in front of the eyes can make saliva dripped. Therefore, before going to the supermarket, make a grocery list from home. Do not put snacks in it. And, do not be tempted to add items not on the list to the trolley.

6. Search activity
If you feel like chewing something, look for activity that makes your hands on. If you are in the office, get busy with your jobs. If at home, more alternatives. Jump hobbies do you like gardening, knitting, tidying the closet, or polishing shoes.

7. Herbal Tea
Often trigger a desire for snacking is feeling stress. To fix this, you can divert attention from his desk for a moment and make the herbs that can help calm the nerves, such as chamomile tea, chrysanthemum, or lemon balm. Do not be sugar so that the aroma is more your body feels and do not take in extra calories.

8. Take time snacking
Before you can stop altogether, sebaknya provide a special time for you to nibble. For example, while enjoying afternoon tea. Prepare a snack before serving so that you are not too far consumed in large quantities. If possible, choose healthy snacks such as fruit or fresh vegetables.

9. Choose a boiled potato or yam
For other snack alternative, you can choose snacks that contain complex carbohydrates such as corn or potatoes, wholemeal bread or boiled yam. This food will make you feel full longer because the digestive system to process in a longer time. Which is set tepenting portions so as not too many.

10. Turn off the television
Watching television will cause you less motion and increase your desire for snacking. So, limit your time watching television and look for leisure pastimes that is more active.

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